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  • Writer's pictureElliot Wilson

The Fat Burning Code (Part 3: Post HIIT Nutrition)

You've just made through the worst workout imaginable. You've done HIIT training, and some of you may have even tried the weights afterward. Either way, your body just took a major hit due to its nervous system being pushed very hard in a short period of time. In addition to that, your body has broken down TONS of stored energy, both fat and glycogen, along with muscles being damaged too. Recovery could not be more important than after a workout like this. Screwing this up could lead to rapid muscle loss and your nervous system not being able to recover.

This shouldn't be a problem, however, because this is the one time you'll be able to soak up lots of carbs! I've recommended the 1g carb per pound weight ratio, but after a HIIT workout, you can definitely go above and beyond that! These types of workouts deplete nearly all of your glycogen stores, and you have to fill them back up before you hit the weights again. Also, since your metabolism goes through the roof with these types of workouts, you'll want to eat extra carbs because many of them will be burned in the following hours after the workout. Yes, your metabolism skyrockets for hours after a HIIT session, which is why you need to unload on the carbs afterward....but on one condition. You MUST keep the fat intake very low so that you're body can absorb the carbs and protein fast. This could not be more important after a HIIT session and you need to end that body breakdown IMMEDIATELY.

Take your BCAA right after the workout as usual. Then, 30 minutes after that take in your Gatorade like you usually do. However, increase the amount by double of what you normally take. The more carbs you can get from Gatorade during this time, the better! I'd also recommend taking more BCAA with the Gatorade too. Now, there is something else you could do. Instead of taking Gatorade, make a whey protein shake with chocolate milk. As your body can absorb lots of carb into the liver and muscles after this type of workout, it can also absorb lots of protein! You can easily take in 0.5g protein per pound weight after your workout. Mixing some whey with chocolate milk will help you reach that. Think about it, most of you probably whey less than 200lbs, so you won't even need 100g of protein post-workout. Plus, each serving of whey is 30g protein. Add in a few cups of chocolate milk and that adds another 25g of protein, and more carbs too. And besides,, who doesn't like chocolate milk??

Once you've done either the Gatorade scenario or the whey scenario, what 1 hour before eating your first whole meal. You'll want to ensure that all of those liquid carbs and BCAA get into your system and start the recovery process right away. Then, once that hour goes by, you can mow down all the carbs you want. Again, the metabolism stay high for several hours after HIIT, so don't worry about fat storage and enjoy yourself! This could even be considered your cheat day, but only do this after HIIT workouts. Also, make sure you're eating 1g protein per pound body weight while you're mowing down the carbs. You still need to let those muscles recover!

And there ya go! You now know how to program your body to burn fat, what workouts to do to torch fat, and what to eat after these types of workouts. That hard work during HIIT pays off, as you all get to enjoy tasty foods afterward. Just be sure to get in the BCAA and to do one of the two scenarios mentioned first, THEN start your chow fest.

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