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  • Writer's pictureElliot Wilson

Working From The Inside Out

When people first think about wanting to lose weight, the first thing that comes to their minds is barely eating any food and going for an hour run, or even longer.  Believe it or not, this is very counter-productive to what you want to be doing in order to drop some weight and look great.  When I say drop weight, I mean drop fat and retain muscle. Essentially, you want to get that hot bod!

Eating low amounts of food tanks your metabolism quickly, and running for an hour or more will quickly burn any muscle that you have.  In fact, this is the routine that Chris Hemsworth had to do when he needed to lose weight in order to film the 2013 film "Rush," and the 2015 film "In The Heart of The Sea."  I assume most of you, women included, want to do the OPPOSITE of that.  Yes, he still looked good, but he lost LOTS of muscle going from his Thor physique to his Rush physique by running and barely eating.         

So, how do we make sure we're taking fat out of the diet and preserving the muscle, and doing that without having to run for a long period of time?  Well, you have to start on the inside......YOUR DIET.  The first thing that happens when you drastically drop your calories is that your metabolism will crash in a matter of days, and you'll stop seeing progress quickly.  This is the issue with NutriSystem and other diets that heavily restrict your calories. Not to mention that these diets are low calorie and provide you with sugar-based foods, which skyrocket your cravings and put you in a spot where you'll want to mow down every burger and ice cream joint in town, whether you're a man or woman.

So here's what we do. We need to keep our most anabolic hormone, Insulin, at bay in order to burn fat.  Insulin's job is to store nutrients, but it will store your nutrients into your fat cells 99% of the time. Why, because when we take in carbs, your body will store it for energy later on. You can store it in another place as well, but we'll also discuss that in another article.

For the time being, in order to keep insulin levels low, now knowing that carbs spike insulin levels, what's the easiest way to keep your insulin levels low? You guessed it.....LOW CARB.  This is why the low-carb diet is very effective. Cutting your carbs down is the first step you take when it comes to reshaping your body. Once you keep your insulin levels low, you'll feel much better and you won't have a crash while at work or trying to do anything else productive.

Since you now know that carbs spike insulin, what about the other maronutrients that we ingest?  What do those do to our hormones?  That's coming up in my next article, Cracking The Macronutrients

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